About Us
A global apostolic movement that’s called to have a local presence.
At Aglow International Australia, we are a global apostolic movement of people called to have a local presence in over 170 nations.
As a vast network of intercessors across all cultures and denominations, we’re a Kingdom ministry that remains committed to being intentionally present within our communities for one reason. So that through intercession, discipleship, and strategic partnerships, we bring the living presence of Jesus to the world around us.
It’s been a call in Australia for nearly 50 years that continues today, by releasing lives into the fullness of their identity and purpose, so they’re empowered to impact their spheres of influence for Him.
At Aglow, it’s all because of what we recognise; that by having a collective presence within our communities and marketplace globally, it represents more than numbers, but unity. Intercessors, who are intentional about standing in agreement against a rising secular culture to shift the atmosphere and pioneer change.
It’s why Aglow is resolute to see God’s Kingdom purposes established on earth. So that together, we reach lives waiting to know Jesus, by bringing the power of His living presence into our communities, nation, and world.

Intercessory prayer is not just what we do, it represents the culture of who Aglow is at its core as a movement of people led by the Spirit. We, who are a company of warriors and champions, committed to cultivating a worldwide presence that creates an atmosphere of change. It’s why Aglow Australia is intentional about co-partnering with God in today’s fast-changing world by calling forth that which is not, as though it were. It’s the power of proclamation to reclaim and restore, so that those who are weary in their search for hope, encounter the living presence of Jesus.
National Board of Directors
The Aglow International Australia Board of Directors meet regularly during the year and is responsible for the governance and strategic direction of Aglow Australia.

Recently appointed as Aglow International Australia’s new national leader, Elizabeth West has long been associated with the organisation, including involvement in international missions and a call to business. Having an extensive career in commercial advertising which then transitioned to Christian marketing agencies, today, Elizabeth operates out of Sydney Australia serving both Aglow and an American marketing and fundraising company based in Dallas, for Christian nonprofit ministries globally. Elizabeth’s passion is to see Aglow established and operating in all that the Lord’s calling for the ministry, so that together, in partnership with the wider body, His will is fulfilled in today’s times. A great company of women who are surrendered, equipped and emboldened by walking in the fulness of His purpose and identity. All, so that individually and corporately, Aglow helps bring the power of His living presence into a weary world around them, where He alone is elevated, heard and seen.

In 1992 Helen gave her life to Jesus, where she became engaged in church and introduced to Aglow. The ministry provided her heart’s desire to be with people from the greater body-of-Christ, where to this day, Helen doesn’t know of any other Ministry that is so bonded together in Kingdom love and unity. Over the decades Helen was blessed to serve in various roles in Aglow Branches, including as Leader of Frenchs Forest and Lindfield. During these two decades, Helen also attended Bible College and progressed to obtain her Bachelor of Theology. During an 18 month period living in Perth, Helen served in the Aglow National Office, where she became WA’s first Mentor. Upon returning to Sydney, God gave Helen a dream which was instrumental; in giving ‘birth’ a new way of doing Aglow in Kirribilli and Castle Hill. In 2020 Helen was invited to be one of the NSW Mentors, and the following year, became part of the AIA Board. No matter what season Helen has walked through, her Aglow family has always been there. Helen looks forward to this ‘new day’ as we walk forward into His plans and purposes for Aglow International Australia. Helen lives on the Central Coast in NSW with her husband Garry. They have two sons, two daughters-in-love and five grandchildren.

Colin became a Board member in September 2022. He served as Chair of the Aglow Selection Committee for the new National Leader. Since March 1996 he has ministered and spoken across a broad spectrum of the church in Australia. Colin and his wife, Tina Maree, live in Brisbane. They oversee Streams, a Sunday morning Zoom fellowship. During 2022-23, they oversaw the Kingsgate Haven community on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, a part of the Australian House of Prayer for All Nations. Colin has facilitated numerous prophetic-edged gatherings in Australia. He is a part of the Reference Group for Elohim House of Prayer on Mount Carmel, Israel. Colin is the author of Outside the Camp - The Wisdom, Humility and Power of the Church; Born for Battle - Fighting the Good Fight of the Faith; and the Dose of Iron series.

Peter is a Bible teacher and author. He has authored 8 books: “Divine Union”, “Living from Heaven to Earth”, “The Human Spirit”, “Blueprint for Revival” and “Essential Foundations for Christian Maturity Volume 1, 2, 3”. He has also co-authored “Healing Wounded Hearts” and “Seated” with his wife Katie. Co- Founder Breakfree Australia, a mission organization committed to preaching the Gospel and bringing people into wholeness and maturity. One of the primary focuses of Peter and Katie’s ministry has been delivering “Healing Wounded Heart Seminars” throughout Australia, Nepal and the Philippines”. Through the seminar many thousands of people have been delivered from the effects of emotional wounds, trauma, addictions, depression, shame, fear and generational trauma. Together in 2022 during COVID Peter and Katie were asked to complete an 8 month locum as the Senior Pastors C3 Church Tamworth. Peter, in 2022 also wrote the curriculum for and delivered a year-long, on-line Bible College for 24 Pastors and emerging leaders in Nepal, Pakistan and throughout Australia called “J Gen Bible School”.

Kathryn met the Lord at 24 and hungered to know Him more. This led to twin passions weaving through her life and ministry – of hearing God’s whispers, then teaching others to hear His voice. After 15 years of building cooperation among local churches in southern Tasmania with her husband Peter and community-based schools, youth, women's and mentoring ministry , they entered a season of itinerant teaching. From 2015 - 2019, under their banner of Kingdom Presence Ministries, they led many workshops on prayer and hearing God’s whispers across the Body of Christ in Australia. During this time, Kathryn was introduced to Aglow and immediately felt an affinity, having the privilege of running workshops at several branches in NSW, VIC and WA and supporting the Aglow cruise ship visit to Tasmania. Now involved in on-line equipping and face to face retreat ministry and running Kingdom Women with a team, an online gathering. Between them Peter and Kathryn have written 11 booklets on aspects of spiritual protection and hearing God.