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Setting up to Step Out


The Rev Ben Gray delivered a prophetic word for Aglow at the Leaders' Summit in March saying:


"A season is about to break upon you that will see times of God's double favour come upon you. A favour that will enable you to bring great breakthroughs in your work but in this year of 2015 the Lord would say , 'This is the year for setting up and stepping out' and a year to get ready because this double favour, this enabling that He wants to bring upon you is to catapult you forward. Not just a double anointing, it is favour-a double favour- an amazing deposit of grace but

you must step up and you must begin to set out."

This word brought both confirmation and challenge. There are a number of areas where we can see an immediate application of this word and other places where there is much more to be revealed as we earnestly seek the Lord for His out working and plan.

God impressed upon us in late 2014 to make the shift from State Retreats to Regional days to enlarge the footprint of Aglow and increase the accessibility for all who desire to come. This shift aligns with the 40 years celebrations of this ministry in Australia.

These Regional Days will celebrate the faithfulness of God for all He has done in 40 years and more importantly challenge us as we "set out" into our future.

We are a Kingdom people called to display His glory, His favour, His love and His Saving grace and power as we live every day in this darkening world.

We carry His answer within us, His name is Jesus, and He will do for everyone all that He has done for us and so much more!

I have carried this scripture as a promise in my heart since 1989 and I believe it is time for it to be released in power in our midst -

"I the Lord have called You in righteousness, and will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people, As a light to the Gentiles,

To open blind eyes, To bring out prisoners from the prison, Those who sit in darkness from the prison house.

I am the Lord, that is My name;

And My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to carved images.

Behold, the former things have come to pass, And new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them." Is 42: 6-9

The Lord has told us we are to ‘set up and then step out’. Let us start today! We know the hope that lives within us but it is time to share that living hope. We all know people who are trapped in darkness and prisons sometimes of their own making and we carry the answer. He will hold our hand and lead us to bring refreshing and life today.

These Regional Days are an open door to invite people to come in and taste and experience the goodness and favour of God. The details are on the website

The gates are swung open and all are invited to come in and taste and experience the goodness and favour of our God!


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