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written by Kerry-Ellen Logan

Kerry-Ellen's Blog: To God be the Glory - 10 Years - 2005-2015

On August 1st, 2005 God brought a shift in Aglow in Australia that many could not even have imagined. With the retirement of the National Leader, Rev Joan Morton and the National Board, God moved the headquarters to the West.

We received the "ark of the covenant", containing all the possessions, records, and furniture in Perth on this memorable day in August 2005. It was a holy day filled with excitement as Aglow began to settle into a new location. We honoured those who had served before us – the baton had been passed and Aglow in Australia was on a new journey.

As I sat at my desk in the new office in West Perth, I saw a closed hand begin to open. The Lord revealed the significance of the open hand, step by step, decision by decision.

Aglow all over the world has changed and we have all been part of that that which has unfolded. The tag line a Network of Caring Women became Every Nation Touched Every Heart Changed. This reflected the shift within us as we became an Apostolic Company of women and men carrying something powerful to this world every day, no matter where we live.

Did we struggle to grasp this at first? Yes we did, and yet knew in our spirits God had more for us!

We have become that company of Warriors and Champions as the prophetic declarations of Graham Cooke, Chuck Pierce and others have soaked into our spirits, hearts and minds. We now see ourselves and our Kingdom call as God sees us.

God continues to transform us from the inside out as it says in Romans 12:2 -

"Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God's will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in His eyes." TPT

Last week in the International Office in Seattle as Graham Cooke addressed the leadership, he said:

Aglow has a history with God that is unusual. Aglow is in 170 nations and has earned a level of trust with God. You have earned the right to be here. You have planted things out of nothing. Aglow is a stand-alone group and you have done it the hard way. You have pioneered things. You know how to pray. You know how to battle. You have been around 48 years and you are still here. You have evolved over 48 years and you have prevailed. You have a BIG stake in the Kingdom and are massively trusted. God knows what He has and what He can trust.

This word resonates within and we say, “Amen!”

Rev Ben Gray spoke to the Leaders of Aglow in Australia in March and he declared prophetically - Aglow has been set up to step out with the double anointing of grace and favour.

This word thrust us forward to take new courageous steps and every word he spoke aligned with all that has been received through Aglow globally.

Let us celebrate this decade of change and walk confidently, moving on as Warriors and Champions in these strategic times for which we were born. The best is yet to come!


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