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Strength to Receive

Aglow Australia

Jane Hansen Hoyt, president and CEO of Aglow International, sends a monthly letter out wide body of Aglow. Below is a snippet from this month's letter, which is particularly relevant to Aglow in Australia and the region as we prepare for our conference in Sydney in July this year. Jane will be building upon what was spoken at last year's international conference in Richmond USA, bringing a timely word for our region.

So be encouraged by Jane's words, and be excited for the Aglow International Australia King of Glory Conference in Sydney from July 23rd to 25th.

"As I have continued to ponder all that was said in Richmond, my attention was recently turned to Hebrews 11 and the incredible miracles of faith that came to ordinary people just like you and me. Ordinary people who received strong words filled with the intentions of God that would change the course of history.

Of Sarah, it was said that she was to bear a child…past age! “Really? Do you know how old I am?” But the Word goes on to say, “She needed strength to receive.” Strength indeed! This was to be the seed of God’s next mighty move in the earth! As she received strength to conceive, God’s plan would move yet another step forward.

The truth was that Sarah was NOT PAST the time of bearing fruit…IF GOD SAID SHE WASN’T!

I believe God has hidden ones that He wants to use in various ways in the days ahead. They feel because of age or other perceived places of limitation, their fruitful time has come and gone. HE IS SAYING – NO! YOUR TIME IS NOW!

Dutch Sheets said in Richmond that Aglow would be used in the 3rd Great Move of the Holy Spirit. I want to say to you today,

  • You have been prepared, poured in to, made strong, filled with authority, and are war-ready…for such a time as this.

  • Don’t look at your age.

  • Look to Jesus.

For those who are infirm, come to Sydney prepared to return healed and filled with new strength.

We have a firm foundation. We have been building on it, year after year. We are in an incredible time of building the house of Aglow.

  • We believe in the power of prayer.

  • We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and the evidence of speaking with new tongues.

  • We believe in winning the lost for Christ.

  • We believe that God has intentions for His people – male and female – working together in His power and might to show forth His Glory in the earth.

  • We believe in loving the Muslim people while exposing the anti-Christ spirit behind the religious system of Islam.

  • We believe that the Jews have a right to Israel as their God-given land and we stand as them in their possession of that land.

  • We believe in and watch for the second coming of Christ.

  • We believe we are an integral part of the end-time Ecclesia and that God has sent us to the uttermost parts of the world to prepare all people for His return.

Each of these points is foundational in Aglow."

Details for the King of Glory conference can be found on the Aglow Australia website.

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