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Sydney Aglow Leaders visit Canberra

Aglow Australia

Aglow leaders from the Sydney and the NSW region travelled to Canberra, our nation's capital, to pray at The National Parliament House.

Allison Melloh, from Aglow Hornsby, tells us what happened during their visit:

"At Parliament House, we felt to spend time in the Chambers, and in the House of Representatives we declared, quietly, many words over the House. We declared Isaiah 11:2-3 over Scott Morrison. God has anointed him.

We declared that deception and lies would be exposed, especially concerning the Journalists.

As we left the House of Representatives a group of men came in. We spoke to some of them, and learned they were judges visiting from Bangladesh.

In the Senate, we declared the light of God to fill the houses of Parliament - Psalm 37:6

Here we stood and held hands and prayed the Lord’s prayer.

The men from Bangladesh came into the Senate after us. They wanted to take our photos. They also took a video and we sang a song of praise. Then some of them wanted us to bless them by laying hands on them, which we did, and we prayed for them. That was an incredible experience!

As we left the man on the desk commented on our singing. He also recommended that we went up onto the Parliament House roof.

We took his advice, and after lunch we all went up onto the roof. It was raining but that did not deter us as we ran outside and lifted the name of Jesus over the whole area.

We also had a time of declarations and prayer in the waiting area.

God was with us and He heard the cry of our hearts for this nation.

The great Southlands of the Holy Spirit.

I praise God for the joy and the privilege of being able to stand in our Parliament House and declare the Kingdom of God.

May His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. The Australian government is on His shoulders.

Our God reigns!"

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