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Seeing God work through illness - Part 2

Aglow Australia

In August, we shared the health journey of Joyce as she planned to attend the Jerusalem Convocation in September (you can re-read that journey here). We now have an update from Cheryl, Joyce's daughter, which we are delighted to share with you.

Some years ago, Joyce attended the Aglow International Conference in Kentucky and felt that she would go back to another conference one day. She had also visited Israel on two occasions with her daughter and felt God wanted her to return once again. What a joy it was when Aglow announced it would be holding its international conference in Jerusalem, and not just a conference but a Convocation (a summons to the land). Joyce and Cheryl answered that call and commenced preparations, tickets and insurance organised they were all set.

In April Joyce started to become ill, she had a large blood clot in her Popliteal Artery (right calf muscle), she also had congestive heart failure and arterial fabulation. Joyce said about this very difficult time, “The enemy was determined to take me out, but God was holding my hand”.

After many trips to the hospital and many different treatments Joyce was finally discharged on the 24th August, leaving just enough time to pack and get things in order for her trip to Jerusalem.

Joyce’s daughter Cheryl writes; (Now mum is finally out of hospital), “anticipation and excitement are not very high on my list, but Israel is always good, I love that place!”

Both Cheryl and Joyce loved the worship at the conference and were very impressed with Asher Intrater. Cheryl wrote, “Asher was the speaker I most connected with, he has a strong faith and a real heart for the land and God’s people. He (Asher) spoke on coming up higher, and that its not without cost, it is a sacrifice to truly worship God”.

As the days progressed Joyce gained strength, she is now back at home caring for herself and pottering in her garden. Joyce is looking forward to her 90th Birthday in January and to the Fiji Conference in July.

Praise God, He is so good!

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