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It Takes a Word From God and a Walk of Faith

It only seems a short time ago we were entering into 2020 and now we are almost in March! We are aware this is a significant year in the Kingdom of God and for Aglow as we hold our first Regional Conference in July.

This has long been in our hearts and the South Pacific Regional Committee know this is “The Right Time.” In 2020.

Since the 1990’s the scripture in 1 Kings 17 has been a promise given to Aglow.

Elijah was told by God in his hour of need, “I have directed a widow there to supply you with food.”

The widow thought she knew her situation and told Elijah,“ I only have a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it and die.”

She had spoken how she saw the situation with her limited resources. But God’s plan was very different.

Elijah said “This is what the Lord God of Israel says, “The jar of flour will not be used up and jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on Israel.”

God was giving a promise to both Elijah and the widow as she gave sacrificially to obey God.

As we have watched the donations come into the Office toward the goal of reducing the registration for all who wish to attend the Fiji Conference we have stood in awe at your generosity and are so thankful to you and to God for all that has been given. At this point we have received $26,000 and this IS reducing the registration for all.

I encourage those who desire to be at this very significant conference as we go to support and encourage and love our sisters and brothers from the South Pacific Region to ask God for what you need. It is really easy to look at it “sensibly” and think I would love to go BUT......

The widow thought she and her son were about to die preparing to eat their last meal but God had a far bigger plan that still encourages us today.

So as we forge ahead into a significant year I encourage you to reach out with faith filled prayers and decreeing provision for all who desire to be there.

It takes a word from God and a walk of faith.

We pray for you because this is a Kingdom call to be there and then spread out across the South Pacific.

I know Nancy, Ps John, Joan Bennett and others will inspire us all into the great possibilities ahead of us.

Registrations will commence next week. You are amazing people and we serve, love and trust an amazing God!

What is God’s perspective of your situation?

With gratitude and thanks


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