A new Aglow Group Commences in East Gippsland Victoria.

God moved in so many ways to show us it was His will for the Aglow East Gippsland Meeting.
This year four of us have been meeting monthly as a Game Changers Bible study.
Holy Spirit had told me I was to re dig the wells and dig new ones. When Ruth [Leon] said she would like to bring a team up to meet with the ladies we planned to meet in the largest of our homes (as mine was too small). We prayed asking the Lord to direct us as to whether it was the right venue, knowing 14 people would be the maximum we could fit. However, 10 days before the scheduled meeting we received a notice that the power would be turned off in our street for the day. Both my home and the venue where the meeting was to be held was in the same area of the power outage.
Unbeknown to me Zoe (our assistant leader) had been walking with her husband on the foreshore. Her husband said the Coast Guard Building would be a great place for an Aglow meeting. She dismissed his suggestion because we had already had a venue & we’d sent out the invitations. That afternoon I phoned her to tell her about the power outage and we needed another venue. She told me about her husband suggesting the Coast Guard Building. I remembered I had a (haircut) client who was in the coast Guard, so I called him. He rang the president [of the club] and within an hour we had a proper venue that would fit up to 40 people for the price of a donation.
We prayed, ‘Lord this is your Aglow. You bring the women and men You want to be at this meeting. We had 23 people come - 4 were men.
The ladies were hungry, they came from up to 300 kilometres away. There was a real hunger for more of God and fellowship.
Two of the towns represented do not have Spirit filled churches to attend. The people from Mallacoota travel one and a half hours (111 kilometres each way) to Merimbula NSW for church on Sundays.
The ladies from Orbost are 57 kilometres from the nearest Pentecostal church, Lakes Entrance, Orbost only has a home church and occasionally a visiting Pastor.
One lady had an amazing testimony of how the Aglow ladies from Kyabram had helped her 34 years ago. As a young girl she’d been raped and found she was pregnant. The. Aglow ladies just loved her. She decided (with their help) to keep the baby despite the circumstances. She was born again. The women were her only support during this difficult time. They walked with her through the pregnancy and continued to help with her and her newborn son.
Her son is the delight of her life!
We had a variety of speakers, some planned, some spontaneous. I could see Holy Spirit was giving a practical “word picture” of what Aglow was all about. Even though we only worshiped for about 25 minutes Holy Spirit touched and met people where they were at. One of our Game Changer ladies had to leave within an hour of arriving because she was unwell, she told me later that she felt like she was in heaven during the worship.
The fellowship afterwards was so beautiful, it was a shame to have to pack up and leave. Everyone talked like they’d known each other for years, just like old friends.
What I heard was the hunger in the ladies for more of God.
Ruth has arranged another outreach for 12th - 14th September. I will do the Mallacoota one with her before she goes on to Orbost for another meeting with Rosanna & Viv (the home church group).
Marg Lyle (Leader)
Aglow East Gippsland / Game Changers