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Aglow Leadership Summit 2022

Elizabeth Barlas

The Aglow International Australia Leadership Summit for 2022 was held over zoom on Thursday 10th of March.

The meeting covered the introduction and a short word from our new Board Members: Helen Reardon and Vicki Cosgrove, updates from Ruth Leon regarding mentors, Riekie Dalm for Game Changers and Robyn Butt for Aglow Prayer.

The Management Team also provided updates on Finance, Information Technology, and Administration.

All who were on the call were delighted when Chair of our Board Carol Price introduced Kerry-Ellen who joined the call for a short time to share her love and blessing (Kerry-Ellen had just been released from hospital that afternoon).

It was so wonderful to see her, all praise to our great God for the gift of healing He is bringing into Kerry-Ellen's life!

We had a very special guest Maureen Smith - Governmental Prayer and Game Changers co-ordinator Aglow Canada. Maureen honoured us with her presence on the call live (getting out of bed before 4 am to join us), we thank and bless her. Maureen brought us a stirring word from God, encouraging us to 'Look Out'. "Looking inwards limits my expectations to what I can do - looking out gives me God's vision for me" (Maureen Smith).

You can listen to Maureen by following the link below:

A time of prayer and sharing followed.

It was a blessed time indeed for all who participated.



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