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Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year.

Dear Aglow Family,

“Glory to God in the highest and on earth PEACE.” Luke 2:14

As we cast our heart over the 12-month period, we always give thanks to our Saviour and Lord for how He has overshadowed us in the work of the Kingdom through Aglow this year. We have been stretched, challenged, and always encouraged by the Lord who accompanies us at every turn.

We honour each one who makes up this Aglow family as Global Partners, Leaders, Management Team, Board Members, attendees and prayer warriors. Each one, a valuable participant ready to serve the Lord.

There have been two particular highlights in 2021. One has been the GameChanger monthly meetings which have assisted in re-moulding and shaping all who participated under the wisdom and life changing power and promptings of the Holy Spirit. And the second was the participation in the South Pacific Conference, as we worked in true unity and prayer across the nations.

God has surely spoken into the nations leading us forth in the prophetic words, revealing His plans as we enter 2022. My prayers are with you all as you enter a time of rest and peace, as we recall the birth of Christ in a manger, heralded by the Angels singing, Glory to God in the highest.

John 1:14 says, “So the Word became human and made His home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen His glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.”

We encourage our hearts with the living word and prayers of faith as we enter 2022.

We bless and love each one in this family of God.


Christmas Closure.

The Aglow National Office will be closed for business from Thursday 16/12/2021 until Tuesday the 18/1/2022. For any urgent business please phone the national Office on 08 9228 3311.

On behalf of Kerry-Ellen, the Aglow International Australia Board and Management Team we wish you and your loved ones a very safe and wonderful Christmas, as we all celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ. We would like to express our great thanks to you all for the selfless and generous manner in which you serve the Lord in and through Aglow. Merry Christmas and God bless you all!



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