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Dwell at the Well in South Australia

Ingrid and Yvonne

Adelaide City Aglow and Noarlunga Aglow had a day together on Wednesday 9th June.

Our small groups met at Ingrid’s home for morning tea and to take part in the Aglow National AGM Zoom meeting.

After lunch, we then went to Jacqui’s home, where we walked into a beautiful backdrop of rivers, luscious greenery and a makeshift well. Large stones marked the well, with material and scarves representing the living water and ground. The living water was also represented on a folding screen and TV screen.

Jacqui read from John 4:4-26. The passage tells of Jesus purposefully being found at the well in the midday sun to meet a Samaritan woman who had no honour or respect in her community or love for herself. Ingrid spoke a little about what this passage meant for her. We were then led into His Presence through worship.

Jacqui led the worship songs on the piano, the presence of Jesus was very real to us all. We were all encouraged to meet Jesus at the well and listen to His voice as He spoke to us.

We had a beautiful hour of soaking with Jesus while the sound of rain and worship played quietly on the screen. Some people journaled, recording their 2 way conversation with Jesus. Others sat just talking to our Lord in silence.

We came out of this and shared what the Lord had been doing for each of us. We all had a story to tell. Each of us had met with Jesus at the well. He is faithful and true to His promises to always be with us. So grateful for this time together.

After this time, we enjoyed fellowship together over afternoon tea. It was such a great day; what a wonderful Saviour who meets us all where we are.



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