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National Leaders Letter - February 2025

ARISE ‘25.   


Transcript of Aglow's Vision Message, August 19.


As I’ve been waiting on the Lord for this year and His vision, I’m seeing ‘glints’ of revelation and so I humbly present to you all of what I believe He’s been revealing. 


First, our theme of ARISE is more than just a Conference focus, but a theme that applies for this year – in other words, it’s ARISE ‘25.   


As a clear direction from the Lord for Aglow corporately, there’s an element to this that’s also for us personally. However, before it’s unpacked, I want to reinforce what we’ve been stating as a ministry the last few months because of its significance.  


Noting just like the sons of Issachar who understood and discerned the times, this is more than a new season for Aglow, but in fact the entering of a new era. 


While this equally applies to what the remnant Body globally also recognises, for the purposes of Aglow Australia, it’s particularly significant for us as a ministry, as it’s one of birthing and building.  


As an aside, the Lord led me to Nate Johnston’s word for 2025 ( which confirmed this sense of change, by also declaring that the Body has entered a Reset, Rebuild and Rebirthing season in preparation for a new move of His Spirit.  


Things that were right for a past season, are now making way for the new. 


While there are many who have been waiting for this shift in Aglow and are ready to embrace it, there may be some who wish to retain what was. Change is always hard, yet as we know, it’s one of obedience. I recall the Lord speaking clearly to me that in this new time, it was ‘imperative’ that we moved on from the familiar.  


 "We’re dressed differently now, mantled with a new purpose. 


That doesn’t mean disassociating ourselves from the legacy forged by those who have gone before us as that’s to be honoured – we’re building upon it – and we’re not changing the core of who we are as intercessors, but in this reset, we’re dressed differently now, mantled with a new purpose. 


To ARISE, is therefore, an active word that carries anticipation and expectation. It’s in response to something – in readiness for, as together, we arise to accomplish whatever the Lord’s purposing to bring into being.    


So, while it speaks to Aglow corporately for what the Lord’s establishing, as mentioned, it’s also about His beloved – and that’s you. Because to arise is a time where lives that have been immobilsed by disappointment, unresolved hurt or trauma, are set free and walking in wholeness, freedom, and the fulfilment of His promises.  


As Mary Dorian recently said, “2025 is the fulfillment of many of Yahweh’s covenant promises, where the Body is being prepared to move into things and a season we have never seen before yet have been promised by the Lord.”    


It’s increasingly being said that we’re living in a time where He’s restoring and redeeming what has long been taken. It’s one of recompense that will see His Body empowered, set free, and His glory manifested. (Many believe that’s it’s also in preparation for that Third Wave - the Third Revival Awakening that’s coming.)   


So, as I waited upon the Lord for greater insight on ARISING for Aglow, two words were highlighted: one of crossing (corporately and personally), but the emphasis was on the word, preparation – that we’ve ‘crossed over’ into new land, and, therefore, we’re to now arise in preparation for what the Lord’s calling us to.    


Noting that with each new era or significant move of God, there’s always a preparatory period prior to, I was led to two scriptures that refer to John the Baptist preparing the way for the Lord’s return: 


Isaiah 40:3-5 

3 "A voice of one calling in the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. 4 Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. 5 And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” 


And secondly, Mark 1:1-3 

“I will send my messenger ahead of you who will prepare your way…a voice of one calling in the wilderness, 'prepare the way for the Lord, making straight paths for Him.'” 


"Aglow will be actively helping prepare the way – but that means

we ourselves, will need to be prepared too.   


Before I share how, a brief recap of what we’ve referenced before to establish a sequence of order for the bigger vision; that Aglow has changed her positioning and posturing to become an apostolic ‘Army’; a movement – a great company of women – called to stand and take her place.  


Note that this reference to Army isn’t one of 'fleshy' aggression, but being aggressive against the enemy. It’s spiritual. One, whom by walking in humility, love, and living surrendered to Him are watchmen, where through intercession we wait, listen and enquire of what the Sovereign Lord is saying. Our Chief and Commander.  


How are we then, as His Army, helping prepare the way?  


Just as Joshua was given many military victories to take the land, there’s a sense that Aglow will be ‘taking land’ for Him by establishing His Kingdom within core spheres of influence in society (otherwise known as Seven Mountains of influence) being Government, business, faith, family, entertainment, media and education sectors.   


You can see how our intercessory engine will be critical here, and while the Lord hasn’t yet revealed other avenues that will assist us, I’m suspecting it’ll be through Kingdom partnerships who may already be involved within those spheres, including other avenues too.    


So, as an apostolic movement (apostolic, being to build / establish / rebuilding ‘walls and gates’ for His Kingdom in territory He leads us into), we’re sensing that Aglow will be involved in the growing revival, but specifically the reformation of those sectors i.e., in other words, the ‘re-forming’ of those spheres by establishing His Kingdom within them.   


Noting Dutch Sheet’s article in called ‘God’s Agenda for 2025’ (link here), he shares the difference between revival and reformation. Needing both as one will then make way for the other, our focus is on reformation – again, the ‘re-forming’ of those sectors, by establishing and building for Kingdom purposes within them. 


A few examples:  

  • Revival rebirths; reformation rebuilds. 

  • Revival can spring forth quickly; reformation is a process. 

  • Revival changes hearts, inscribing with them God’s ways and laws; reformation transforms minds and thoughts, planting God’s laws in the psyche of a nation. 

  • Revival saves and heals individuals; reformation saves and heals societies and nations.  

  • Revival fuels and steers reformation; reformation can and should be the long-term fruit of revival. 


That said, the Lord then led me to reflect on the Israelites in Exodus 13:17, “When Pharaoh finally let the people go, God did not lead them along the main road that runs through Philistine territory, even though that was the shortest route to the Promised Land."   


As God said, “If the people are faced with a battle, they might change their minds and return to Egypt”, so He led them in a roundabout way toward the Red Sea. 


As we know, there were many reasons for this wilderness journey where the Israelites learned significant lessons and encountered time and again the miraculous, legendary power of our God in the midst of it all.  


But it was also because the Lord knew they were inexperienced in warfare and needed to know how to stand and be battle-ready to enter the promised land.  


So, for Aglow to help ‘prepare the way,’ we, ourselves, need to ensure we’re prepared. And that’s being equipped through training, so together, we can effectively fulfil His Kingdom purposes within those spheres when called.  


Let me briefly now share how, noting that there are still significant gaps to seeing the whole picture, hence am aware of only ‘glints’ as He chooses to reveal them: 



  • As indicated, part of our preparation is the focus on training from our Global Partners to Branch Leaders. We are, therefore, being led to introduce some powerful teaching from people leading in their field on core subjects such as warfare (including ‘protection and prevention’), intercession, hearing God’s voice, and teaching on Five-fold ministry, just to name a few.


  • We’ll also be reinstating the Leadership Summit in 2026 to equip the equippers. More information on this will come, but it means that each year will now feature one main event, rotating bi-annually between our National Conference and the Leadership Summit. (Regional Days will continue uninterrupted as they are now.) 


Our preparation for the ministry holistically, is also going to require the development of other components to help build the vision: 


  • Building team infrastructure internally on a national level. 


  • Addressing an additional revenue channel through donors who will want to partner with our vision financially, whether that’s from within Aglow and also outside of the organisation.   


  • To greater invest at branch level: We will always connect via zoom for our usual monthly meetings such as Focus on Israel, Keeping Informed and South Pacific Regional prayer as it connects and unites us nationally. In order, however, to bring 'the power of His living presence into our communities, cities and nation,' the Lord’s now prompting us to greater invest in our branches which is the heartbeat of Aglow. (Our proposed training will be key to this.) 


  • Reaching a younger market for Aglow will also be revealed in its time, so be assured this is also on the map!  


Lastly, I close on ARISE regarding our National Conference in August. As communicated in our recent marketing, arise is defined as “to emerge; to bring something into being.”  


The messages of our Conference speakers are powerfully aligned with the theme of ARISE for all that the Lord’s purposing to ‘bring into being’ both corporately and personally. 


Dr. Anita Alexander’s focus will speak to arising corporately through a powerful "revival fire anointing," and Peter and Katie Dunstan’s passion is to see lives arise in a newfound freedom and wholeness through hearts being healed and restored!  


"You not only have a specific purpose within this vision,

He’s already stationed you there!


As I close, let me remind you that no matter age or circumstance, you my friend, are not late! You’re right on time. For those on zoom last week, you’ll recall me saying that you not only have a specific purpose within this vision, He’s already stationed you there! That was such a clear word.  


I’ve since reviewed the meaning of ‘stationed’, noting the Thesaurus describes it as being established, occupying, placed, planted, positioned, situated. (Interestingly, the Cambridge Dictionary states it is “to cause, especially soldiers, to be in a particular place to do a job.”)     


It’s going to be powerful, as together, we arise as His Warrior Bride – and equally His men who choose to champion and support us! – for all that the Lord has prepared for Aglow Australia.  


We, who are indeed, called for such a time as this.   


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