Reset Retreat in Elliston South Australia.
Aglow West Coast went to Elliston this weekend to hold another Reset Retreat to Captivate people's hearts for Jesus.
These are the words that were in the original vision given to us and it has always been our hearts cry. To know Him more and more, to be set free from things that bind and keep us captive, and for revival over Eyre Peninsula and beyond, over all Australia and the South Pacific.
The date had not been so easy, but we had asked Sandra and Kevin Fidock to speak and settled on the date which suited them the best, it was just right! As Annette and I met and prayed with Ingrid and Charmaine (2 ladies from Elliston) the Lord showed us their love for this town, their hearts cry for revival and how long they had been praying for this.
He clearly showed us that Elliston was birthed from Cleve (Ingrid and Charmaine came to Cleve) and that Cleve was birthed from Minnipa (Dianne and Wendy were at Minnipa from Cleve) and I was excited. He said " I have come to give Life - give Love - to bring joy and as you go, I will continue to strengthen you. I will be with you in all you do, I am in the past and the planning, I am in the present as you are meeting and I am in the future, as you go on from this day. I am with you. I will continue to lead you and I will be with you no matter what you see around you. I am here."
I said to the Lord that I just wanted to set the table and He said "Yes, spend the time in Prayer, worship, step out, go forward and don't look back.” So, we did and as we met that first time at Elliston He was there and encouraged us with wonderful words. We saw the Holy Spirit as a breeze, the Holy Spirit was blowing over this town (Elliston) it was a beautiful breeze filled with love. We saw eagles soaring effortlessly on this breeze, and we soared with them, with Him on the wind, flying and soaring, in beautiful patterns of Joy, Love and Freedom. We were reminded of the beautiful song "The Power of your Love" and how we would be strengthened by Him. As we both left the meeting together and drove around the town, we went past the Golf Club which is on the highest point of the town, and I clearly saw the ‘Lion’ on the roof of the club and He Roared over the town.
We continued to get organised and Friday 9th came around quicker than expected, but we were ready and loved to prepare the room for those who were coming. We always give out a pack with a water bottle, chocolates, Mentos, cards, colouring pictures for the doodlers, pens and a note pad. Also bookmarks, sometimes feathers, this time diamonds and little quotes on small cards.
It is great to watch and pray as people arrive. We were not too sure how many people would come as 4 pulled out Friday with sickness, Elliston only has a few Christians. What a joy it was to see Ingrid's husband, son, and his girlfriend there. Charmaine's daughter and grandson and 2 women from a long-ago bible study. We had 30 there on the Friday and 25 on the Saturday. Saturday clashed with the local footy game.
Holy Spirit was there! On Friday Heidi Coleman spoke on having a heart connection with God, how He hears our voice and answers us all the time, every time. To listen to that still small voice and to follow. Matthew 11:28-30.
On Saturday Kevin Fidock spoke of his life with an Aglow wife and he also reminded us, "We need to reset our mindset" He gave testimony of their travels around Australia and God's provision for them. Proverbs 3:5. Kevin spoke of choosing the way of love, gentleness, kindness, patience and self-control. Gal 5:22. Instead of anger etc. Powerful words which spoke to us all. We turned the day upside down and had the speakers first then worship and after Kevin spoke there was a wonderful time of worship and healing for each of us, including me.
Sandra then shared the most wonderful testimony of "Stopping for the one", it was a wonderful teaching word on listening to the Holy Spirit in all our daily goings on and to be aware that we are being prompted to reach out to touch others in prayer, counsel and to love them. She also had a wonderful testimony of this and the follow up of it. She spoke about the wells, and that sometimes the well stops because of grief, jealousy, hurt or many things that can come against us. BUT He is for us, not against us, the Holy Spirit is here, He is with us, seek Him and unblock the well. And oh, so much more.
Each speaker spoke on such wonderful things and pearls of wisdom, our one regret was we didn't record them.
After Sandra spoke, we had a time of worship and prayer and Heidi spoke of the Golden nuggets that had been talked about.
I am now wondering if this was when I was healed of disappointment. Not sure but it is wonderful to be set free from something that I have buried down for a long time. My well is unstopped, unblocked, and I am free. Others were healed of different bondages and prayer went on into lunch time.
After lunch we had a time, an activation if you like, of pressing into the presence of God and then more worship and prayer.
I could say so much more but Annette and I both know that the Lord has touched Elliston. People there have been revived, reset, restored, and healed and just want more Lord more. We will return to meet and to encourage them to continue meeting. There isn't a church there so we will always be with them on this journey.
Where to next Lord?
Please pray for us as we continue to do as He has asked and to take His word to all, the older generations, the Mums and Dads, the children and the youth. Aglow is for everyone across this world and it is a great time of reaching out, stretching our tent pegs. Is 54:2 We are going where perhaps we never thought we would.
We want to thank those who have faithfully prayed for these Reset Retreats this year so far. Those who have joined the zoom calls to pray, those who have driven so far each time to support us, for Heidi leading the worship and Kym the IT man. It means such a lot to Annette and myself. Once again to our Husbands, Noel and Brian who just love us, support us and definitely without them it wouldn't happen as they are the best in all things, chair movers and setting up, and putting it all away again, hugs when needed and just their love and unswerving support, you are both gold and we want to honour you both.
Looking forward to the next time the West Coast Aglow team comes together as I can see a team growing as we continue to do this ministry together that He has given us.
Isaiah 55 is the word given to us as we began this journey, and this word continues to bless us as we go.
God is on the move, we pray for Revival Lord, more Lord, we pray that all are set free to know the love and freedom Jesus brings.
Denise and Annette