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Singing with the Angels

The Victorian Regional Day on Saturday 27th July was our largest Aglow gathering since lockdowns. Sixty-four men and women with hungry hearts from Mallacoota to Castlemaine all converged at the Uniting Church, Endeavour Hills, all eager to reconnect. This included a number of past Aglow leaders who felt to come not having been for some years. I believe it was a breakthrough day for our State.

No agenda, meant no plans. Two women were chosen to lead us into the Presence. Their hearts led us in. Not through music or words. They were simply surrendered and seeking Him in the sanctuary while others were arriving and having a cuppa.  The presence of God in the sanctuary was thick. In order to honour God’s Presence already there, people were asked to be silent and simply enter in. Old choruses sprang up spontaneously as we flowed together.

Hearts and relationships were healed in the place of surrender. One lady told me later that as Dorothy gave a word about orphan spirit holding us back, she realised that because her father and brother died in accidents that her heart could not enter into the Father’s love, for fear of Him leaving her also. His love overwhelmed her, and she was able then to come close. Some heard the angels join us. I was wondering where the sound was coming from, and it was all around and through me. My spirit was vibrating with the sound of heaven. Awesome!

Norma Brown our speaker shared on facing our battles together, encouraging us in our petitions for unity across the body. She was practical and full of wisdom.  

Bob Eliason brought a word about the ‘MORE’.  Then a question from the Lord formed in my heart: “Do you want the ‘more’ so you are more comfortable in your circumstances, being satisfied and going no further? Or do you want the ‘more’ to then open up the unseen to reveal the ‘more’ that’s beyond the ‘more’?”


We finished with such a rich presence of Holy Spirit surrounding us, no one wanted to leave. We were soaking in His Presence, hungry for more and desiring to seek Him further. What a difference a day makes when all is surrendered.  And the funny thing was that while we didn’t watch the clock at all, Holy Spirit had us stop for lunch at 12. And finish by 4pm! 

It is so difficult to put into words, spiritual things. 

With love,

Riekie Dalm

Gamechangers and Mentors Coordinator


1 коментар

1 авг

My heart just melted. I wept also not because I was sad but because He is so good, and He just loved on you all.

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