The Inside Story – February Edition.
An inside look at the stories of those behind Aglow Australia.
Our Inside Story takes an inside look at the lives we love, perhaps only heard about, or may not even know at all. Mentors, leaders, valued Kingdom partners, and most of all you, of whom, together, form the wider, magnificent story of Aglow Australia today.
This month’s interview is with our newest Aglow Board Member, Kathryn Yaxley.

Q: Welcome Kathryn! As you are new to the ministry of Aglow Australia, but not new to Kingdom ministry, you have extensive involvement with both ‘Kingdom Presence’ Ministries and ‘Kingdom Women.’ Can you share some insight into these ministries?
A: Thank you! It’s such a privilege and pleasure to be learning the ropes of Aglow and serving in this part of God’s Kingdom. It’s an exciting time to be involved in the movement.
Indeed, there have been many adventures for me across different facets of God’s vineyard over the years, including mentoring and facilitating retreats. The teaching, equipping and community-building ministry that I love, comes under the banner of ‘Kingdom Presence Ministries.’
All done in partnership with my husband, Peter, we have both an online (Zoom) and face-to-face presence, where we enjoy equipping the saints in growing intimacy with God, prayer, hearing His voice etc. Occasionally, the Lord may also add a prayer tour through a region. We’ve written many resources booklets and two books that support these themes.
After 15 years of settled ministry in Tasmania, this call to equip led to a five year itinerancy, when we travelled the country in a campervan leading workshops across many denominations including for several Aglow branches – in WA, Victoria and NSW. That was my first introduction to Aglow. Soon after, I was able to connect with the intercessory Aglow cruise to Tasmania.
‘Kingdom Women’ reflects another passion, and its one I share in partnership with Tina Maree Brown, whom you know here at Aglow. Together we facilitate a largely online zoom gathering that meets six or so times per year, where some years have included a face-to-face retreat.
Along with Tina Maree, I love creating a safe space for women to share hearts, meet other sisters from far and wide (including Canada!), sit at the Lord’s feet, reflect and pray together. There is a great deal of resonance for me, therefore, with the ministry of Aglow.
Q: Although you are not Tasmanian born, the Lord has given you a big heart for Tasmania, particularly as you have a ‘March prayer assignment’ which has a 10 year history associated with it.
A: Yes, South Australia is my home state, but I’ve lived in Tasmania since 2000.
March 2025 marks the 10th anniversary of the very first prayer tour God asked us to do. In 2015 we spent a month travelling around Tasmania praying with locals and releasing declarations at seven gateway communities around the perimeter. We called that prayer tour Build Your Kingdom Here. The finale was a surprise to all when 60 people gathered in the midst of Tasmania from around the various communities to pray together for this state. We were delighted to see how the Lord had used the tour to build cooperation and unity.
Now 10 years on, the Lord has been speaking to us to mark the anniversary with a month-long prayer focus on Tasmania. We’ve, however, sensed this was not just a personal prayer focus but a call to invite others to join with us. We now find ourselves launching a virtual prayer tour of Tasmania.
Starting Monday, March 3, we’ll run seven zoom gatherings on different evenings (mostly) across the month to focus on each of the gateway communities we visited 10 years ago. We’ll hear an update from locals, share fellowship and prayer and then together, release a declaration in the Spirit of the original tour. Though this tour is called Abide in Me.
In early April there will be a face-to-face finale in the middle of the state. We’re excited at what God is bringing together and who He is leading to partner with this virtual tour.
Q: Noting your March prayer assignment, and also that you’ll soon be meeting with some of our Aglow intercessors to pray at our National Conference location and for Tasmania itself, it feels there’s a lot culminating in the Spirit for the region.
In fact, we’re sensing that your commitment to Tasmania and the conference itself, are ‘fore-running’ for what the Lord’s purposing for the state! Can you unpack what you’re sensing in this regard?
A: Yes, its so interesting to me that the Aglow intercessors are coming to pray in Tasmania right in the midst of the month-long virtual prayer tour for us! Also that He has highlighted Tasmania as the place to celebrate your 50th year Jubilee Conference.
Tasmania is a gem in the spiritual as well as the natural. Right from when I first moved here, I’ve sensed it has great significance to the Lord’s purposes for the nation. What births in Tasmania breaks into the nation. It’s a forerunner state, little as it is. A catalyst if you like. A point of ignition. If it is quenched the whole nation misses out. Thus, it carries great potency for breakthrough for Australia.
Similarly, I believe Aglow is a forerunning movement and is often used by the Lord as a catalyst to break things open or prepare the way.
My sense is the Lord is joining these two catalysts together in this season to support the birthing of a greater measure of breakthrough for the state then flowing to the nation.
The battle at this gate of Tasmania has been fierce. We’re in a moment by the Lord’s decree, when He is calling for unusual intercession to break the shackles and strengthen the arms of those watchmen on the wall in Tasmania who have grown weary, so the birthing can be complete.
With our tour intersecting with Aglow’s Conference preparation and focus on Tasmania, I believe God is spotlighting what a strategic partnership looks like, such as Elizabeth has shared regarding what God has for Aglow.
I sense God inviting us to stand together. This is about fuelling unity and teaching us how to team, remembering this is a picture of the maturing body of Christ.
“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.“ Eph 4:16
So if you sense God is speaking to you about partnering with us in the virtual Prayer Tour of Tasmania in March, or you would like to see a schedule or receive the declarations, please contact me at We’d love your company.
I believe God is looking to raise up prayer for the state and is using and inviting Aglow to stand with His wider purposes in Tasmania NOW, even as you look toward the conference.
Q: Has the Lord shown you anything about the significance of Aglow’s PRESENCE Conference that’s occurring August 19-22 in Tasmania this year? (We also thank you for promoting our event across your own networks too!)
A: Yes, that it’s incredibly strategic that you are coming to Tasmania in your Jubilee year. Liberty and freedom is a great declaration to echo forth from this end of the earth!
I see the Conference acting as the drawing back of a crossbow, then a repositioning of the aim occurring. (Many will be recalibrated on the back of the Conference.) Once steady, then with deft touch the Lord releases the flaming arrow to send it flying across the water as it (flaming women and men) disperses into the nations.
I sense the Lord is also using your preparations in prayer now for Tasmania and the Conference to shift the atmosphere here, so Tasmania can rise up further into its calling as a catalyst to the nation.
Your prayers are a valued gift for my state. Thank you. I’ll look forward to seeing you at Conference if not before on zoom!