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The Inside Story: with Lyn James, the leader of Gidgegannup Aglow.

Aglow International Australia

An inside look at the stories of those behind Aglow Australia. 


The Inside Story takes an inside look at the lives we love, perhaps only heard about, or may not even know at all. Mentors, leaders, and you, who, together, form the wider, magnificent story of Aglow Australia today.

This month's interview is with Lyn James, who is one of the leaders of Gidgegannup Aglow! Read on to find out a bit more about her, and her journey with Aglow thus far.

Q: Lyn, you’ve had a longstanding relationship with Aglow. Tell us how it all started. 

A: I first went to Aglow in 1979 in New Zealand as a young woman.  I was so impressed with the love. I was living in a country town, fairly isolated a new migrant (from South Africa), without any close family really. That’s where I was invited to an Aglow meeting in the Hawkes Bay area. Then I lived in Kalgoorlie for a little while and joined the team there and loved the Kalgoorlie ladies, they are remarkable. I knew Joan Morton, she came up and visited us in Kalgoorlie so that was back a way. Then I was part of the Midland Aglow when we came to Gidgegannup 16 years ago and one day my husband said, “You know Gidgegannup could do with an Aglow”. I just phoned Kerry Ellen and said, “what do you think of an Aglow in Gidgegannup?” and she said, “I don’t have to pray about this one, Lyn. That is a definite yes.” 

Q: What do you love most about where you live? 

A: We live in a very small country town, called Gidgegannup on five acres, with 3 alpacas & a small dog, Daisy. We enjoy the slow pace of life here & the joy of living amongst nature. 

Q: Tell us about Aglow Gidgegannup. 

A: We started 10 years ago and have a heart to go out into the little country towns and communities. It started off as 5 of us and now there are still 3 that are very strong, and we get on really well together. I would be very happy for one of them to lead but they won’t let that happen. They are very capable. If I go away, I know they will be absolutely fine.  I am very blessed to be part of the team with them.

We have a lady who comes from Quairading. 8 Years ago she was a part of Rockingham Aglow. She is a lovely mature young in years but mature in the Lord – Anita. We are so thrilled to have her join us. She doesn’t mind travelling which is amazing. Another lady Ros, she lives in Northam, she started coming too.

We also meet once a month for prayer in Guilford. Cherie Williamson hosts us in a beautiful home on the river. She is an amazing hostess. It is an amazing time with the Lord. Guilford is closer for the people who are closer on the Perth side, otherwise they have to travel all the way to Gidgegannup. We are spread very far apart across the land as it were.  We aren’t meeting here religiously every month as we were before. From one month to the next we don’t really know where we will go. We are just trusting God.

Q: It sounds like you are a bit of a connector...

A: Well that’s what Helen reckons. You are a gatherer, that’s what she calls me...a gatherer. I guess that is what I am, I see where things fit together. It can be quite frustrating when it doesn’t happen like you want…but that’s just the way it goes.  

Q: It seems there are a number of ladies that travel quite a distance to come to Gidgegannup Aglow, what do you think it is that causes them to drive so far?

A: There is nothing where they are. We would be the closest for them. I’d say people are just hungry for fellowship and for more of the Holy Spirit. 

Q: You certainly have a heart for the smaller towns in your region… 

A: I love Australia for Jesus. I’ve been involved for quite a while. I went up to one of their outreaches in July and it was just amazing to see people so hungry for the Lord and “oh I haven’t heard this before” and “yes I want Jesus and how do I it?” They were just so open. There was one man I was going to present to and his wife came up to him and put her arm around him and was listening intently too and then their son who was around 12 or 13 was sitting next to the dad and he had his little sister on his lap and all of them were listening and they all received the Lord, they all wanted Him and were interested in going to a church.  Australia for Jesus, I can’t recommend it highly enough for people in Aglow. I really want people in my church to come on board. You know people say “I can’t do that” but they have a full proof method, just a brilliant presentation. I am certainly going to encourage people to do that to encourage the people in country towns that are already doing it. I know that Aglow does support that and already know what that is all about.

I am also a great lover of Israel, and I am involved in Never Again is Now. I’ve been to a few of the meetings and am trying to encourage our church. Do you know Kelvin Crombie? He is a historian and a very good educator on Israel. He spoke in our church. We had never had any teaching on Israel before so that was wonderful. With what is going on in Israel at the moment I am passionate about people knowing the truth.

I am also passionate about seeing others released in their true God given identity. 


Q: What do you like to do to relax? 

A: I enjoy spending quality time with friends & family.  


A: You mentioned earlier you believed it was “The Year of Open Doors,” is there anything else the Lord has been putting on your heart about these days?

Q: I guess things are heating up in the Middle East and prophetically we know that is going to happen, but whether it is another 50 years or another 100 years we don’t know. Things have accelerated, especially with the threats from Iran and Northern Korea. They are all aligning, aren’t they? 

And I do notice that a lot of Christians are getting anxious, and there is a lot of depression around. It is terrible. You would think in the church we would all be free from that but we are not. That has been quite confronting for me. I guess I am asking the Lord for more wisdom and to help me to grow in grace and patience with one another. Exciting times, but a lot of people are going through hard things. 




Nov 29, 2024

Thank you for sharing, Lyn.

Your resilience and loving heart for the Lord and His people will

'Move mountains'!'


Nov 28, 2024

Thanks, Lyn, for sharing. You are and amazing woman of God!!!

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