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The Inside Story: with Tina Maree Brown, Aglow Australia's Administration Co-ordinator.

Aglow International Australia

An inside look at the stories of those behind Aglow Australia. 


The Inside Story takes an inside look at the lives we love, perhaps only heard about, or may not even know at all. Mentors, leaders, and you, who, together, form the wider, magnificent story of Aglow Australia today.


This month's interview is with Tina Maree Brown, our wonderful Administration Co-ordinator! Read on to find out a bit more about her, and her journey with Aglow thus far.

Q: We’re privileged to have you as Aglow Australia’s Administration Co-ordinator. What prompted you to join us?

A: We had just moved from Kangaroo Island, SA to the Gold Coast, QLD and I was enjoying the sunshine when my husband came to me and thrust his phone under my nose with an email open, advertising the Admin position. I was very resistant at first as I could think of lots of reasons why it wasn’t for me. When I actually talked to the Lord about it He had different ideas!

I am fairly new to Aglow joining Kirribilli Aglow for almost a year in 2020, but the Lord had been building relationships with some of the amazing ladies from within her ranks many years. Kerry Ellen hosted a meeting for my husband Colin to minister at Edna Walter’s home in Perth back in 2019, Kerry A and Kerry P from Kalgoorlie Aglow hosted us that year too as well as Susan da Silva and Robyn Willey (Wagin) at different times. Robyn Butt and Carol Price have both been long time friends.

It feels a bit like family but also an extension of the ministry that Colin and I already have. We are all about Kingdom and relationship (with one another and with the Lord). Aglow is all about extending His Kingdom! A perfect fit!

Q: (Spoiler alert), we know who your favourite AIA board member is.

A: Well yes, I do have a particular fancy for Colin Brown. We have been happily married for the past 24 years.  Although I do have to say the rest of the Board also comprises of some pretty amazing people!  I really think the Lord is setting us up well for the days ahead. 

Q: Knowing Aglow is not your only ministry focus, what else are you and Colin currently involved in?

A: Colin and I have a heart for Jesus to be seen and known, that His Body would represent Him well.  These are some of the ‘irons in the fire’ that we have:

P&W – the Lord moved us to Queensland in February this year to walk alongside a group of young ones who form P&W (Prayer and Worship) whose mission is ”to invite people into the simplicity and freedom of worshipping and praying to Jesus for no reason other than He is worthy and we enjoy Him”. Our hearts overflow with thankfulness to see this next generation devoting their hearts and lives to the One who is Worthy. 

Kingdom Women – my friend Kathryn Yaxley and I have been hosting regular Zoom and face to face gatherings for women around the nation (and Canada and NZ) for the last four years. Our focus is around the Word of God, fellowship and refreshment for those that gather.

Gatherings – we are fully convinced that everyone can hear from the Lord and that we all have a part to play in what He is doing on the Earth. We love to get together with others of like heart and wait on the Lord to hear what He is saying and to partner with Him in prayer and worship. This takes a variety of forms – live in retreats, day meetings or Zoom gatherings. 

Streams – our online Sunday gathering we’ve been hosting since 2021. We meet with folks from around the nation (and Canada & NZ) for encouragement and strengthening.

Colin also is a words man. He has published four books (Born For Battle, Outside the Camp, A Daily Dose of Iron, A Bigger Dose of Iron) and has written articles for The Morning Star Journal and Elijah List

Q: We valued recently hearing from Jenny Hagger, is it true that you worked with her?

A: As you may be aware Jenny founded AHOPFAN (Australia House of Prayer for All Nations) many years ago. The ministry purchased a property on Kangaroo Island, South Australia (amazing God story of miraculous provision) and it became Kingsgate Haven, a 24 room Retreat & Conference Centre and House of Prayer. Colin had known of Jenny for a number of years but it was in 2023/24 when we had the joy of overseeing Kingsgate Haven, for two years during which time our relationship really deepened.

Colin and Jenny have also partnered together with a number of projects for Global Watch (a ministry whose heart it is to connect praying communities across the nations empowering the Church for revival, transformation, and the return of Jesus).

Q: Is it true that Israel is your next ministry trip? 

A: Our friends Glenn & Coralie Rowbotham have planted a House of Prayer (Elohim House) on Mt Carmel in the north of Israel. They invited us a few months ago to be house hosts for December 2024 and January 2025. We felt the Lord say yes and booked our tickets. Having been twice before for a few weeks at a time, we had always wanted to go and ‘dwell’ in the land. What better time to go and stand with the Israeli people to let them know they are not forgotten by the Lord or by the rest of the world. We want to show them that Australia loves them and for our hearts to be transformed in the process. 

Q: Share with us a little about your family.

A: We are a blended family with both Colin and I having lives and family before we met one another. Our oldest and youngest are boys - 38 and 23. Between them are two girls who are 37 and 32. They live in the Hunter Valley, NSW; Geelong, VIC and Launceston, TAS and have blessed us with beautiful daughter and son-in-laws and 11 wonderful grandchildren.


Q: Any favourite scripture that has a special meaning to you? (Care to share why?)   

A: Psalm 139 has always been a favourite for me. My whole journey with the Lord was birthed in a revelation of His unconditional love. In the years since then I am constantly floored by the knowledge (with experience) that I am fully known and accepted by the Maker of the Universe. This Psalm speaks of this.   Another favourite is Jeremiah 29:11. Being admin wired, I like to plan and have things well ordered. The Lord has assured me over the years that I don’t need to be in control, that He knows the plans He has for me, and I can rest in that. 


A: What's a challenge you’ve faced that has made you stronger?

Q: If there is one thing I know is that in all things God works everything together for the good for those that love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28). Everything that we go through is an opportunity to know Him more and to be transformed to be like Him.

In the first year of our marriage I became pregnant with our youngest son and at 22 weeks my water broke. We were faced with the very real possibility that our son would be born very early and that he may have all sorts of health difficulties. I would be confined to bed until he was born.  I was very young in my faith and was of the mind that if something happens then it must be God’s will.  I did not know I could actually talk to Him about it. I thought I had to silently accept what came my way.  We had a visit from a lady we didn’t know who shared her journey with a premmie baby and she showed us lots of photos.  When she left I was devastated with the prospect that I may not be able to hold my baby for many months if he came early. Within a matter of days a friend came to visit one night and said the Lord told Him that we have to tell Him what we wanted. I was a little confronted by this notion. But obediently we sat together and poured out our heart to the Lord.

To cut a long story short, our son was two weeks overdue and is a very strong and healthy 23 year old. God is good!  


Q: What’s your favourite thing to switch off and relax?


A: I love to walk the beach and garden, (not at the same time). There is something about being outside and touching the elements – sand under my feet or dirt under my nails. My two happy places.

Q: What’s a place you’ve always wanted to travel to but haven’t yet?


A: I would love to go to Italy. I grew up with my Italian grandparents as a big part of my life.  My Mum was born there and came to Australia when she was 6. It was very difficult to be Italian in Tasmania in her growing up years and so when she had a family of her own she ensured we were very Australian.  I feel like there is a part of me is that is not fully developed and perhaps a little visit to Italy may draw that out!  




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