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Riekie Dalm

Together Again!

Victorian Aglow Leaders meet together for the first time in three years.

Report of Victorian Leaders Retreat in Tongala.

We came with hungry hearts from all corners of the State to meet together for the first time in 3yrs.

From Portland in the West to Mallacoota on the far Eastern tip 650Km away and everywhere in between we responded to the call of Holy Spirit to come, and He was waiting. Only three were unable to attend however two were able to send another member of their team.

Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon we basked in His Presence and each other’s sweet fellowship. Our focus was simply worship (beautifully led by Sandy Gray) and hearing Tim Sheets speak from the International Aglow conference late last year on grief. Having seen and felt the devastation of the past season in Victoria Holy Spirit wanted us to come to Him, acknowledge the pain, grief, disappointment etc and give it all to Jesus. In doing so we were refreshed, and our hearts were healed.

Hope renewed was tangible as we worshipped with grateful hungry hearts. Some shared honestly from the heart and there was much encouragement. There were words from the Lord that came forth also. I tried to scribble some down without losing the moment.

The most powerful to me was on Friday night. Very strongly, came “WHO said you were too sick?? WHO said you were too old??? They are not MY WORDS! You are a new creation, align with My Words. We are called into Jesus, to stay In Him. Time to see and know God is one with me. One with each other, time to move now, Us in Him. We are sent AS the Word. More than a conqueror, one being IN HIM.

Also, we are called into holy Union with Him. Drawn in by Jesus. To eat Him, Drink Him, dream bigger!

You can see and hear because I’m in you and you’re in Me. Yes, you can! (This seemed to be the constant theme)

It’s about what God is doing. Don’t get interrupted, you will contain fire and grace in the state.

Another was about fence posts. Roses growing under them which was a sweet fragrance to the Lord.

Lioness’ hunt in packs, they know their place and they know their capabilities.

There was much more particularly in Tim’s message. One sentence was Hope deferred afflicts the soul. It causes lethargy. No energy, no motivation. We allowed holy Spirit to come and heal and renew hope. Also from Tim, Look back at all the trials and things you’ve been through and what God has done. This is your springboard.

The refreshing was visible on each face. We felt reconnected to each other. So very grateful to Pam Eliason for opening Cavell Manor for our accommodation. God made a way to fit everyone in because she said yes Lord. Thank you, Pam.

Blessings from Riekie.



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